Benefits of Laughter Yoga

Donna with her Laughter Teacher Training cohort

HA HA HA: Laughter IS the best medicine!

Five ways that laughing makes you healthier and happier

Positive Outlook

Laughter Yoga will change your mood in minutes, boosting your self-confidence, expanding your optimism and positive outlook, and putting a smile on your face.  Your good mood will be contagious! You will remain cheerful throughout the day and will laugh more than you normally do.

 Health Benefits

Laughter Yoga is a whole-body exercise that tackles with physical, mental and emotional stress simultaneously. It is a powerful cardio workout: 10 minutes of hearty laughter equals 30 minutes on a rowing machine. It decreases the negative effects of stress on your body, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, controls blood sugar and keeps your heart healthy. It is a powerful—and joyful—antidote to depression and illness.


Your output and performance depend on your energy level. For optimal brain function, it needs 25% more oxygen than other body organs. Laughter Yoga increases the supply of oxygen both to the brain and the rest of the body, intensifying your productivity, energy level, and performance. 


Caring, sharing relationships are important to quality of life. Laughter Yoga is a group exercise that quickly connects you with people, boosts your positive energy, and enhances your ability to easily make friends. Laugh, and the whole world laughs with you!


Laughter Yoga will teach you how to keep your spirits high when facing life challenges. It promotes a positive mental attitude that helps you cope with challenging situations and difficult interactions. Why cry when you can laugh? 


Scientific Benefits

It has been scientifically established that laughter has a profound impact on the body and mind:

  • Laughter is a stress buster

  • Laughter strengthens the immune system

  • Laughter is anti-aging

  • Laugher is aerobic exercise

  • Laughter is internal jogging

  • Laughter is a natural pain killer

  • Laughter can control high blood pressure

  • Laughter helps dump depression and anxiety

  • Laughter alleviates bronchitis and asthma

  • Laughter makes you feel good